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But as writers are sometimes known for their procrastination techniques, and choosing the right app could be the excuse for putting off work on your Great American Novel for several days, we thought it would be helpful to provide a few pointers.Īll of the apps featured are available for both Mac and iOS, as I feel it’s important that you can work on the move as well as at a desk. In my comments, though, I’m focusing on the Mac versions as that’s the platform on which most people are likely to do the bulk of their writing. In fact, some might question why you would ever need anything else, so let’s start with this before considering some of the alternatives … The obvious starting point, of course, is the app Apple gives you for free: Pages. Pages is a deceptively powerful app on both platforms with a superbly-designed user-interface.

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That’s because the app is intended to look simple and non-intimidating to new users, while offering plenty of features under the hood for power users. It achieves this by keeping the bells and whistles tucked away out of sight until you need them.įor example, create a new blank document and you’ll see a pretty clean view (below). California-based brand Ugg has unveiled its new Icon-Impact collection, featuring a range of footwear produced using sustainably sourced materials, including an innovation in reclaimed wool. The footwear label released the collection as part of its ongoing efforts to reduce its environmental impact, looking to minimise waste production throughout its supply chain. Its new autumn/winter 2021 collection runs alongside this target, with the brand developing two innovations connected to turning waste wool into new materials.

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Three styles are part of the collection: Fluff Sugar Cross Slide, Fuzz Sugar Slide and Classic Sugar Ultra Mini. Each one aims to maintain Ugg’s typical style and look, but with the implementation of its innovations. UggPlush and UggCycle are its new materials, each made from reclaimed wool that requires less water, energy and carbon emissions in its production, in comparison to virgin wool. The repurposed wool has saved Ugg 134 million megajoules of energy, 11.9 billion gallons of water and 134 million pounds of CO2, according to the company’s press release.

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